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Is My Wife Entitled to My Inheritance in Our Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on October 30, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Family Law AttorneyDivorce in Illinois is a complex, often painstaking process that has enormous implications on the personal and financial future of those getting divorced. In the state of Illinois, the question of whether a spouse is entitled to the other spouse’s inheritance is a matter of great importance to many families. If you have concerns with regard to the distribution of assets and whether your inheritance will be subject to division, contact a divorce lawyer to ensure you have the legal protections afforded to you through state law. 

Marital Property vs. Non-Marital Property 

Laws of equitable distribution govern Illinois. During divorce proceedings, non-marital property is generally exempt from division. Inheritances are often classified as non-marital property, meaning they are the sole possession of the person who received the inheritance. 

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What Leads to Property Division Disputes in Divorce?

 Posted on October 26, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerProperty division during a divorce tends to be a hot-button issue. When a couple gets divorced, there are often very real concerns about how their property will be divided between them. Since Illinois is an equitable distribution state, assets are not precisely split down the middle 50/50. As a result, nasty disputes can arise over who is entitled to receive what property. If you are looking to dissolve your marriage and wonder what the underlying causes of property disputes are, regardless of whether you are wondering how to anticipate or avoid these disputes, a lawyer experienced in this area of law will be happy to help you.

Three Distinct Causes of Property Disputes 

  1. Emotional attachment – This is a common culprit of many property disputes during a divorce. The sentimental value associated with the property, such as the family home, heirlooms, or other personal belongings, can cloud judgment and make it difficult for couples to agree on a fair distribution. Emotional attachment often stems from the memories and significance attached to these assets, making it challenging to approach the division process objectively.

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How to Know When Divorce Litigation is Needed

 Posted on October 25, 2023 in Divorce

Untitled---2023-11-09T163926.971.jpgDivorce is a difficult decision, often accompanied by tremendous emotional turmoil. While some divorces can be resolved in a more amicable way without the need for litigation, others may require legal intervention. Understanding the circumstances that warrant divorce litigation can help people navigate this challenging process more effectively. In such cases, it is strongly recommended that you hire a lawyer to represent you and your interests during the entirety of your divorce. While hiring an Illinois divorce lawyer is not required by law, it is unquestionably the most prudent decision you can make as you prepare for divorce proceedings.

Signs that Litigation May Be Necessary in Your Divorce

Certain issues may exist throughout a couple’s marriage or divorce that signal litigation may be needed, including:

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Using Mediation for Property Disputes in an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on October 23, 2023 in Mediation

Untitled---2023-11-09T163228.424.jpgProperty disputes are a common and often contentious aspect of divorce proceedings in Illinois. In Illinois, couples have the option to use mediation as an alternative to traditional litigation for resolving property disputes. Mediation offers a collaborative and solution-oriented approach that can effectively address common property disputes. If your divorce involves property disputes and you are looking for a way to solve them, discuss with your divorce lawyer if mediation is a process worth pursuing.

Dividing Marital Assets

One of the primary purposes of mediation is to facilitate the fair division of marital assets. Mediation allows couples to discuss and negotiate the division of property openly, including real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and personal belongings. With the guidance of a neutral mediator, couples can work together to create a customized distribution plan that takes into account their individual financial situations, contributions to the marriage, and future needs.

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What Happens When Divorce and Bankruptcy Coincide?

 Posted on October 17, 2023 in Divorce

Untitled---2023-11-09T162533.007.jpgDivorce is a complex and emotionally disruptive process that often involves the division of assets, liabilities, and financial responsibilities. In some cases, the financial strain and debts accumulated during a marriage can become overwhelming, leading individuals to wonder whether bankruptcy is a viable option to alleviate their financial burdens during divorce proceedings. If you believe a possible bankruptcy may intersect with your Illinois divorce, you need to ensure you hire a lawyer. Bankruptcy during a divorce can be a very slippery slope, as the legal complexities involved require the assistance of a legal professional. Without legal guidance, the already slippery slope becomes even more full of hazards.

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How Can My Lawyer Prepare Me for Life Post-Divorce? 

 Posted on October 13, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Alimony LawyerDivorce is a life-changing event that often brings significant changes and challenges to the lives of those involved in the proceedings. While it is well known that having an experienced lawyer by your side during proceedings is extremely beneficial, your lawyer can help you with something else: preparing you for life after your divorce is finalized. Suppose you are going through a divorce in Illinois. In that case, it is important to understand how your lawyer can help you prepare for the arduous divorce process, as it is likely that once your divorce is over, your life will be significantly changed compared to what it was before the divorce.

Understanding Your Rights and Options 

One of the first ways your lawyer can prepare you for life after divorce is by ensuring you have a clear understanding of your rights and options. They will explain the legal implications of your decisions during the divorce process and help you make informed choices. This includes discussing matters such as property division, child custody, spousal support, and any other relevant issues specific to your case. 

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How Can I Tell My Kids We Are Getting Divorced? 

 Posted on October 09, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerTelling your children that you and your spouse are getting divorced is unquestionably one of the most difficult conversations you will ever have as a parent. It is crucial to approach this situation with sensitivity, care, and a focus on their emotional well-being. In addition to seeking legal advice and guidance from a trusted lawyer in Illinois, here are some tips to help you navigate this challenging conversation. 

Seven Essential Tips Divorcing Parents Should Know

  1. Plan ahead – Before speaking with your children, make sure you have a solid understanding of the legal aspects of your divorce. Consult with a lawyer to ensure you are adequately aware of your rights and responsibilities as a parent. This will help you provide accurate and age-appropriate information to your children. 

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Preparing for a High Conflict Divorce

 Posted on October 03, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerWhile it can be said that most divorces are emotionally devastating for the parties involved, high conflict divorces can be even more challenging to get through. A high conflict divorce simply means a divorce with high levels of disagreement and contention. As a result, preparing for high conflict divorce proceedings is quite important, especially in terms of putting yourself in the right position to not only get through the proceedings but also to put yourself in a position where once the divorce is over, you can move on with your life efficiently and effectively. If your marriage is heading toward a high conflict divorce, or perhaps it has already arrived at that 

stage, contact a lawyer to represent you through your divorce case. 

Take These Six Essential Steps Now

  1. Hire a lawyer – This is an essential first step in preparing for a high conflict divorce. Without an attorney, you will needlessly put yourself through an even more agonizingly difficult process. Your lawyer understands the laws in Illinois and can help you make decisions that support your best interests. 

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In My Divorce, Should I Pursue Mediation or Litigation?

 Posted on September 29, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerChoosing the right approach to handling a divorce can make a significant difference in determining how emotionally and financially draining the process is. If you are interested in pursuing a divorce, it is important to understand the distinct advantages of mediation and litigation. For guidance in which avenue to pursue, discuss your questions and concerns with a qualified Illinois divorce lawyer. This person will be your best resource, regardless of which divorce path you choose.

Understanding When Mediation May Make Sense

People often choose mediation because it grants a couple the opportunity to resolve their issues in a peaceful and collaborative way with the guidance of a neutral third-party mediator. Unlike the frequently contentious nature of litigation, mediation emphasizes communication and compromise with the goal of preserving relationships. This makes mediation a suitable choice for couples seeking a less adversarial process of divorce. Here are situations where mediation may be a good option:

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Should I Listen to My Friends' Advice During My Divorce? 

 Posted on September 27, 2023 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerWhen people are going through a difficult time, they often seek outside sources for support. Divorce is among the most difficult things that anyone will ever have to go through. As a result, it is quite common for people getting a divorce to seek support from their friends and family. While friends and family can provide a valuable support system, it is important to consider whether their advice is truly beneficial when making important decisions. 

One of the most dependable sources of guidance during this difficult time will be your lawyer. It is through your lawyer that guidance and support can be sought to make the wisest decisions possible as you navigate your divorce case.

Emotional Support

Friends can be a great source of emotional support during an Illinois divorce. They can offer a listening ear, provide comfort, and empathize with your situation. Sharing your feelings and experiences with friends can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that come with a divorce. Their support can help boost your morale and help you through difficult times. 

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