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Tips for Divorcing a Dishonest Person

 Posted on January 17, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerDivorcing a dishonest person can prove to be an emotional rollercoaster, not to mention legally challenging. However, with the right approach and guidance, you can protect your interests and fight for a fair outcome in your divorce. Five essential tips exist for how to go about divorcing a dishonest spouse, and hiring an attorney in Illinois can ensure you know and are able to implement these five tips as you work to safeguard your rights and interests.

Follow These Five Tips When Divorcing Someone Dishonest

  1. Document everything – When divorcing a dishonest spouse, it is critical to keep a detailed record of all interactions, conversations, and financial transactions. Maintain copies of emails, text messages, and any other evidence that may be relevant to your case. This documentation will serve as evidence to support your claims and protect your rights during negotiations or in court. Documenting everything is important in case your spouse tries to gain the upper hand during proceedings in some way deceitfully. By documenting and having a record of everything, you can help ensure a level playing field is maintained.

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Are Wedding Gifts Subject to Division in a Divorce?

 Posted on January 12, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyers Dividing assets accumulated during a marriage can be one of divorce's most complicated and nerve-wracking processes. One question that sometimes arises is whether wedding gifts are subject to division. Suppose you have concerns regarding property division in your Illinois divorce. In that case, competent lawyers are available to ensure that your future is safeguarded and that the decisions made during the division of assets process can fully support and safeguard your best interests.

Classification of Wedding Gifts

In Illinois, wedding gifts are generally considered marital property. This is because wedding gifts given before the marriage are intended to benefit both spouses instead of one individual spouse. It is also important to remember that most wedding gifts are given to the couple jointly rather than individually. So, as long as the gift was intended for both spouses, it is likely considered marital property and thus subject to division in a divorce.

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Protecting Your Digital Privacy During a Divorce

 Posted on January 09, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyerThere is no question that right now we are living in a digital age. Our lives are increasingly becoming intertwined with technology, including our personal relationships. During a divorce, it is crucial to protect your digital privacy to safeguard your personal information, maintain control over your online presence, and prevent potential misuse of digital assets. If your digital privacy is a concern in your divorce, schedule a consultation with an experienced attorney who practices Illinois divorce law, as they will have the knowledge and skill to help you navigate the complexities of protecting your digital privacy during a divorce.

Secure Your Devices and Accounts

Start by securing your devices and online accounts. Change passwords for all your devices, email accounts, social media platforms, and any other online services. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, which adds an extra layer of security. Moreover, make sure to use unique passwords and always remember to regularly update your software and operating systems to ensure you have the latest security patches.

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Signs Your Marriage is Heading Toward Divorce

 Posted on January 05, 2024 in Divorce

dupage county divorce lawyerMarriage is a beautiful union, but it can also face challenges that may lead to divorce. Recognizing the signs that your marriage is heading toward divorce is crucial for taking proactive steps to address the issues and potentially save your relationship. However, if your relationship is beyond saving and you are considering dissolving your relationship, a lawyer in Illinois can help you.

Look for These Four Telltale Signs

  1. Communication breakdown – Communication is the foundation of any successful marriage. When communication begins to break down, expressing emotions, resolving conflicts, and maintaining a strong connection becomes difficult. If you find yourself avoiding conversations, constantly arguing, or feeling unheard, it may be a sign that your marriage is approaching divorce. Seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can improve communication and rebuild trust.

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Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First?

 Posted on December 28, 2023 in Alimony

Wheaton Divorce LawyerDivorce is a process that often inspires individuals to try and get an edge on their soon-to-be ex-spouse in any way possible, while, of course, staying within respective legal boundaries. One common question is whether it matters who files for divorce first in the state of Illinois. Discuss any and all considerations regarding this matter with your lawyer

Legal Considerations 

  • Jurisdiction and venue – In Illinois, the spouse who files for divorce first has the advantage of choosing the jurisdiction and venue for the case. This can be crucial, primarily if the couple resides in different counties or states. By filing first, you can select a jurisdiction that may suit your case better, such as the one with more lenient or favorable divorce laws. 

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Keeping Costs Low in a Same-Sex Divorce

 Posted on December 27, 2023 in Alimony

Wheaton Divorce Mediation LawyerDivorce is a process that can be very difficult as well as emotionally taxing and financially devastating. While not all divorces break the bank, significant financial costs are involved in many divorces. For same-sex couples going through a divorce, it is crucial to find ways to keep expenses under control while navigating the legal complexities of the situation. If you are in a same-sex marriage and are looking to get a divorce, contact a lawyer in Illinois and discuss ways with them to keep costs low during your divorce proceedings.

Consider Mediation or Collaborative Divorce

One effective way to keep costs low in a same-sex divorce is to opt for mediation or collaborative divorce. These unique methods of handling a divorce involve working with a neutral third party to negotiate and reach agreements outside of court. By avoiding litigation, same-sex couples can save money on court fees and other related expenses. Open communication is something that is also encouraged through mediation and collaborative divorce, which can also serve both parties well in terms of preserving essential communication channels

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Will My Spouse Have the Same Divorce Lawyer as Me?

 Posted on December 22, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce lawyerGetting a divorce in Illinois requires the untangling of deep emotions and the understanding of various legal complexities. A question often arises regarding the possibility of spouses sharing the same divorce lawyer. While it may seem convenient or cost-effective to have a single attorney represent both parties, it is crucial to understand the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations involved in such situations and why two spouses getting a divorce cannot and will not be represented by the same attorney.

Understanding Conflict of Interest

When it comes to divorce cases, the interests and objectives of each spouse can differ significantly. This divergence of interests can create conflicts during negotiations, making it challenging for a single lawyer to represent both parties impartially. For instance, one spouse may prioritize child custody, while the other may focus on asset division or spousal maintenance. These conflicting goals can compromise an attorney’s ability to advocate effectively for each client, potentially leading to an unfair resolution.

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Are Gray Divorces Quicker Than Regular Divorces?

 Posted on December 20, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Gray Divorce LawyerRegardless of one’s age, divorce can be a highly emotional process. Ending a marriage is no easy decision, and when older adults over the age of 50 get divorced in “gray” divorces, the stakes can be even greater. Gray divorces present unique challenges, especially when it comes to the financial aspects of the dissolution of marriage. If you are approaching your gray divorce and you are wondering how long the process may take you, contact a lawyer in Illinois, as they will be able to answer your questions while providing you the legal guidance you need and deserve at this time.

Critical Elements of Gray Divorce

With life expectancies on the rise, gray divorce has become increasingly common as more and more older adults are deciding to end their marriage on a quest to find that special someone, even in the later stages of their life. While the reasons for gray divorce vary significantly, some common factors include empty nest syndrome, growing apart over the years, or simply wanting to pursue personal happiness in the twilight years. However, unlike regular divorces, gray divorces often involve more intricate financial considerations due to the accumulated wealth and retirement funds of older adults.

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Should My Children Be Involved in the Divorce?

 Posted on December 18, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerWhen two people get divorced in Illinois, their lives irrevocably change forever. This is even more true when the couple getting divorced has children. If you are getting divorced with children, you may be wondering whether your children will have a role in the divorce proceedings. Let us be perfectly clear: your children should not be involved in your divorce, as the emotional rollercoaster that engulfs many divorces will likely be too much for your children to bear. Your primary goal should be protecting your children from the nastiness of divorce, not making them more involved in the process. Discuss with your lawyer the ways you can protect your children as you move through your divorce.

Emotions in Divorce

Many adults make the mistake of thinking that their divorce and its effects will only be between them and their spouse, not the children. This is far from the truth. The effects of divorce can easily seep into the psyche of a child, especially if they somehow become involved in the divorce process. Children may feel torn between their parents, experience guilt, or blame themselves for the divorce. Protecting children from the legal aspects of divorce can help protect their emotional well-being and allow them to focus on their growth and development.

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Does a Lawyer Getting Divorced Need to Hire a Lawyer?

 Posted on December 12, 2023 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce AttorneyRegardless of one’s profession, divorce is a complicated process that can be extremely emotionally and financially draining. However, when a lawyer finds themselves facing a divorce, an interesting question arises: do they need to hire a lawyer to navigate their divorce proceedings? While lawyers possess a deep understanding of the legal system, it is essential to understand why it is so important for a lawyer to hire outside representation instead of representing themselves during proceedings. If you are a lawyer getting a divorce, you will need to hire an attorney in Illinois to put yourself in the most favorable position possible in your divorce case.

Divorce Involves Lots of Moving Parts

Most divorces are highly complex affairs, especially if the couple divorcing has children. While lawyers are, of course, well-versed in the law, they may still face specific challenges when it comes to objectively handling their own divorce case. Working through their own divorce, emotions can cloud the reasoning of even the most seasoned legal professional. This is why, through hiring a lawyer, the divorcing party can better easily separate their personal and professional lives during the divorce process.

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