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Can My Spouse’s Criminal Past Affect Our Divorce? 

 Posted on February 22, 2024 in Divorce

DuPage County, IL divorce lawyerWhen going through a divorce, it is natural to wonder how your spouse’s criminal past may impact the proceedings. While each divorce case in Illinois is undoubtedly unique and the outcome is dependent on various factors, your spouse’s criminal history can have some influence on the divorce process. If your soon-to-be ex-spouse has a criminal past, consult a divorce attorney to ensure you can get the best outcome possible.

Can a Criminal Record Impact Child Custody?

One of the most significant ways a spouse’s criminal past can affect a divorce is in child custody or visitation arrangements. Because the court’s most important concern when it comes to custody and visitation is what is best for the child, a parent’s criminal record may seriously affect those arrangements. For example, suppose a parent has a criminal record involving a violent or drug-related offense. In the court’s eyes, such a parent may be deemed unfit to be a safe parent who can be left alone with a child. Additionally, the court will weigh the chances of criminal behavior happening in the future when determining custody and visitation rights.

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The Rights of a Stay-at-Home Dad in a Divorce

 Posted on February 19, 2024 in Divorce

Blog ImageIn today’s constantly evolving society, gender roles that were once considered traditional are being challenged, with more men than ever before choosing to be stay-at-home dads. However, stay-at-home dads may face unique challenges and concerns when it comes to divorce. If you are a stay-at-home dad going through a divorce in Illinois, it is of the utmost importance that you are aware of your rights as you navigate this process. Hiring an experienced attorney is instrumental in breaking down stereotypes and ensuring equality in family law.

Understanding the Challenging Dynamics

In the past, the role of the primary caregiver was often assumed to be that of the mother. However, with changing societal norms, more fathers are taking on the responsibility of being the primary caregiver while their spouse pursues a career outside the home. The legal system in Illinois is adapting to these changing dynamics and recognizes the rights of stay-at-home dads during divorce proceedings

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After a Divorce, Who Pays for College Tuition?

 Posted on February 14, 2024 in Child Support

Blog ImageDivorce can bring about numerous challenges, especially when it comes to supporting children's education. In the state of Illinois, the responsibility of paying for college tuition is determined by various factors, including state laws, court decisions, and the specific terms of the divorce settlement agreement. One crucial aspect to consider is Section 513 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, which outlines the provisions related to college expenses for a non-minor child. If you are getting a divorce and are concerned about who will be responsible for your child's college tuition, an experienced attorney can assist you.

Section 513 of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act

Section 513 provides guidelines for determining the allocation of college expenses between divorced parents. It allows the court to order either or both parents to contribute to their child's college expenses, considering various factors. Section 513 provides for the allocation of reasonable and necessary college expenses, including tuition, fees, books, housing, and other related costs.

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Opening New Lines of Credit During a Divorce

 Posted on February 12, 2024 in Divorce

Blog ImageMany decisions made during a divorce will have long-lasting consequences, both personally and financially. One such decision may involve opening new lines of credit or waiting until the divorce process is finalized. If you are considering opening a new line of credit during your divorce, discussing the matter with your experienced attorney may be wise. An attorney is a legal professional trained in Illinois divorce law who can help you with every step of the process, ensuring the decisions you make in the present do not come back to bite you somewhere down the road.

Financial Independence vs. Complications 

Opening new credit cards during a divorce can offer a sense of financial independence and the ability to manage expenses. However, it can also complicate the division of assets and debts. Any debts incurred during the marriage, even if only one spouse's name is on the account, may be considered marital debts, potentially making both parties responsible for repayment.

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Interacting with Friends and Family During a Divorce

 Posted on February 07, 2024 in Divorce

Blog ImageDivorce is an often turbulent process that can have a significant impact on your relationships with friends and family. Interacting with loved ones during this time requires careful consideration and sensitivity. If you are getting divorced and worried about how it may affect relationships with your friends or family, discuss these concerns with a trusted attorney in Illinois

Practice Honest Communication While Seeking the Support You May Need

Effective communication is important when interacting with friends and family during a divorce. Be honest about your feelings, concerns, and needs. Clearly express what kind of support you require: a listening ear, practical help, or simply a distraction from the divorce process. Encourage trusted friends and loved ones to share their thoughts and feelings as well, fostering an environment of mutual understanding. 

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Should I Set and Follow a Budget for My Divorce?

 Posted on February 02, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton, IL divorce lawyerDivorce is a life-altering process that often has major implications emotionally and financially. To help control costs, it is essential to understand why setting and following a budget can be incredibly beneficial. If you seek legal guidance and want to create and follow a budget during your divorce, consult a lawyer. Aside from leading you through the legal hurdles that must be jumped over during a divorce, they will ensure you possess the information to make informed decisions that always support what is best for you and your family.

Reasons to Set and Follow a Budget

How Can I Most Effectively Serve My Spouse Divorce Papers?

 Posted on January 31, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton divorce lawyerServing divorce papers and communicating your intentions to your spouse can seem impossible. This is someone you used to love and may still love, and now you are planning to tell them you want a divorce. Approaching the situation strategically is essential for preserving your emotional well-being and ensuring the process gets off to a non-rocky start. Suppose you are interested in pursuing a divorce. In that case, you will need to know how best to serve your spouse, emphasizing communication and conducting yourself as respectfully and constructively as possible. Call and hire a lawyer in Illinois to kickstart the process.

Obtaining Consequential Legal Advice from a Professional

Before serving divorce papers and expressing your desire to dissolve the marriage, it is imperative you consult with a qualified Illinois attorney. Think of your lawyer as your personal Sherpa, but instead of being your navigator up Mt. Everest, they are leading you through your divorce. From filing the proper documents at the right time to ensuring you understand what is expected of you during the divorce process, they will provide valuable insights on the best approach to serve the papers and how to communicate your intentions most effectively.

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Advice for a Stay-at-Home Mom Getting Divorced

 Posted on January 29, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerDivorce is a challenging process for anyone, but it can be incredibly daunting for stay-at-home moms who have dedicated their time and energy to raising their children and managing the household. If you are a stay-at-home mom whose marriage is heading toward a divorce, you are likely wondering what you can do to put yourself in a favorable position once proceedings begin. To start things off, you are strongly advised to hire a lawyer in Illinois as you navigate the process and work toward securing a fair settlement.

Seek Professional Legal Counsel

As a mother working to raise her children, you may be overwhelmed at the prospect of getting a divorce. Remember that you are a mother first and foremost, not a lawyer, and the legal burden does not have to fall onto you entirely. Hiring a lawyer is a critical first step for anyone getting a divorce, not only for stay-at-home mothers. Consulting with and hiring an attorney is the only surefire way to ensure your rights and interests are respected and protected.

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Using a Prenuptial Agreement to Navigate a Divorce

 Posted on January 26, 2024 in Divorce

Wheaton Divorce LawyerWhen someone is going through a divorce, it is common for them to look for avenues to make the process more straightforward, whether that means making it more straightforward emotionally or even getting the process over more quickly. For couples who signed a prenuptial agreement (prenup) before they were married, you are encouraged to use this well-drafted agreement to pursue a smoother dissolution of marriage. To understand how best to wield your prenuptial agreement as effectively as possible during your divorce, you should strongly consider hiring a dedicated divorce lawyer in Illinois. This hired legal professional will be well-equipped to ensure you can use your prenuptial agreement to its full benefit as you navigate the divorce process.

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How Can I Protect My Rental Properties During Divorce?

 Posted on January 22, 2024 in Divorce

wheaton divorce lawyerProtecting rental properties during a divorce can be a complex and challenging process. However, with careful planning and the guidance of a skilled attorney in Illinois, you can take steps to safeguard your investment. Here are some strategies to consider as you move through this critical process.

Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements

prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the division of assets in the event of a divorce. By including your rental properties in such an agreement, you can establish them as separate properties, ensuring they remain protected.

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