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Identifying Signs of Parental Alienation in Divorce in Illinois
Divorce is a very difficult process to go through. With tensions high and emotions raw, it is not entirely uncommon for people to act in ways they would not regularly act in. Sometimes, to “get back” at the other parent, a parent may try to turn his or her child against the other parent. Aside from being morally wrong, parental alienation can be extremely damaging for children, leaving emotional and psychological scars that can last a lifetime. If you are getting a divorce in Illinois and believe your soon-to-be ex-spouse is engaging in attempting to alienate your child from you, discuss these serious concerns with your attorney.
With over 110 years of combined legal experience, the skilled team of attorneys at The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C. is highly aware of the many forms of parental alienation and how this type of wrongful conduct can rear its ugly head during divorce proceedings. If you have concerns regarding parental alienation, our trusted team of legal professionals is ready and willing to help.
Bad Mouthing the Other Parent is a Form of Parental Alienation
One of the classic signs of parental alienation is when one parent constantly makes negative comments about the other parent, especially when in front of the child. This can include criticizing the other parent’s character, behavior, or parenting skills, and may lead to the child to develop a negative view of the other parent.
Getting in the Way of the Parent-Child Relationship
Another classic sign of parental alienation is when one parent actively interferes with the child’s relationship with the other parent. This may involve restricting communication between the child and the alienated parent, scheduling activities during the alienated parent’s parenting time, or attacking the other parent with false allegations in order to limit the child’s contact with his or her other parent.
Creating Loyalty Conflicts is Parental Alienation
Parents who engage in parental alienation may try to create loyalty conflicts for the child by putting pressure on them to choose sides. This can be emotionally catastrophic for a child and may lead to intense feelings of guilt, confusion, and loyalty towards the alienating parent.
Contact Our Wheaton, IL Divorce Attorney for a Private Case Evaluation
Ultimately, parental alienation is a very complex and harmful behavior that can have lasting effects on the parent-child relationship. By recognizing the signs of parental alienation, parents and legal professionals can work together to stop the conduct once it is identified and take steps to address and hopefully prevent the behavior from continuing in the future. For legal help, contact the respected DuPage County, IL divorce lawyers with The Stogsdill Law Firm, P.C.. Call 630-462-9500 for a private consultation.